10 November 2009

Military Couture?

I was walking down the street and saw this sweater in a store window. The shop was closed so I took a picture so that I would be able to remind myself to get back in and buy it. When I went back in the next day they told me the item was sold out. I asked what brand it was. They told me Twice and that it's a designer out of LA.

I've searched high and low over the past couple of days for this sweater... and I can't find it. If anyone has any input to the item them please let me know. The photo isn't the best... but it's all I have.


  1. They have this sweater on overstock.com. I like it! You should definitely make the purchase.

  2. There you go, Turtleface. I'm looking forward to seeing how sharp you look in this sweater.
    Thanks, Kylie Dawn. Now, I'm heading over to overstock.com to see what else they have.
    ~ Just Joany/Yaya
    Yaya's Home
    Red Wagon Flights

  3. Thank you for the heads up Kylie Dawn. I'd gotten to the site too late to find it. Have watched for it for some time through Overstock and other sites... but to no avail.

    I did learn the name of it though... it's by Tweyece. Their logo isn't very easily searchable online though. Still trying to find out their website.
